Accurate coordinations repeating uchi-komi (entrance or first part of a throw)
Coordinations fines pendant les uchi-komi (entrée ou première partie d’une projection)
6ème Symposium sur la recherche en judo - Rotterdam 2009
Accurate coordinations repeating uchi-komi (entrance or first part of a throw)
Michel Calmet1, Bianca Miarka2,3, Emerson Franchini2.
1.Faculté des Sciences du Sport of Montpellier, France and invited professor at University of São Paulo, bolsista CAPES.
2.Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
3.Project n° 08/51571-0 supported by FAPESP, Brazilian Funding Agency.
Abstract :
Scientific approach is always rigorous but not necessarily complicated and observation is always a difficult act. Four examples with micro analyses concerning accurate coordinations repeating uchi-komi (entrance or first part of a throw) were analyzed. Tools to collect data are free softwares or free applications and permitted micro measurements with time in milliseconds and distances in mm.
Results show : i) on specific uchi komi (ie. practicing o uchi gari), body of a judo player can be assimilated as a pendulum in which the fixed point is located on the shoulder level. Coordinations are stable during all the repetitions (ie. shoulder, talon, hips and toe always did the same movement and their trajectories on graphic crossed themselves at the same time. ii) after artificial disturbances about balance (ie. 10 fast rotations on the ground) or after judo action disturbance (blocking an attack) high level judo player recovered his regularity after 3 or 4 repetitions.
Perspectives are to continue the analyses concerning artificial and judo disturbances and to observe how tiredness during training sessions disturb these coordinations.
Keywords : coordination, analysis strategies, judo
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